The Gamification Report Blog
by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification
Science shows that the bigger your brain, the more you play and the more complex your play is—at least compared with other animals. From dogs to dolphins, the bigger the brain, the more likely you are to play.
by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Sententia Gamification Chief Motivation Officer
I was in high school when Zork was available on the Commodore 64. My friends and I spent hours a day exploring the imaginary world with a notebook full of what we learned about the realm, the questions to ask, the instructions...
by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification
In-game economies are a common game mechanic in gamified learning programs; however, it is important to understand that people interact differently with economies based on their Motivation Profile. Without such an...
by Monica Cornetti
CEO, Sententia Gamification
Is it possible to make dull, difficult, tedious, or challenging tasks just a little more fun?
What if you could make your employee learning experiences interesting, challenging, and FUN -- perhaps more game-like?
The reality is… you enjoy...
by Monica Cornetti
CEO, Sententia Gamification
We all know that stories are a great way to engage an audience, yet it seems so few people actually study and use the tool in a manner that truly impacts their audience.
So, what does it actually take to create a story that is not only engaging...
by Monica Cornetti
CEO, Sententia Gamification
Gamification is an effective tool to make training engaging and fun, because it uses the dynamics of games, such as collaboration, chance, and progress, to tap into learners’ intrinsic desires to master and complete tasks.
When done well, ...
by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification
In a previous article, I wrote about the evolutionary psychological aspects of the game mechanic of lotteries. In this article, I want to share some of the cool uses of lotteries to change behaviors. While these examples are...